Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Operation Ecuador...

Hey everyone!

It's been a while since we have posted anything, life has been pretty busy these last few months! In just about one month we are going on a mission trip to Ecuador with the high school youth from Mountain Life Church in Park City.

This is an amazing opportunity for us to serve people and at the same time grow. We are very excited about serving as husband and wife with the high schoolers! We will be helping with the construction of some buildings and running a Bible school for the kids there. There will be plenty of pictures that we will post on here and lots of stories to share.

There are two ways you can support us in our desire to serve. Prayer or a donation. Anything helps and we are praying for the people of Ecuador, so that we can help them and they can feel the love we have for people. If you are led to donate, here is a link to do so: paypal email is mrsnicholls7210@gmail.com

or you can send a check to our home address
1887 Sunpeak Dr. Park City, UT 84098

Thanks for you thoughts and prayers!! We are really looking forward to this and sharing the stories.

God bless!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saturdays :)

I love Saturdays, no where to be and all day with my family. Yesterday was spent with a bike ride and then down to the Gateway. We went to the children's museum and had an awesome time. We were even lucky enough to get all of us in for the price of 1 admission because the people in front of us had a 6 person pass and only used 3 and they gave the other ones to us. Score :) The kids spent the majority of the time in the grocery store, they loved pretending to be cashiers and stockers and bakers. It is always hard to get the kids to leave that place but luckily they were hungry and we got them leave for California Pizza Kitchen. Joe used to work there so we always get great deals from old coworkers. It was an awesome day spent with my favorite people. <3

(sorry the only pics are on my phone)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

4 things..


  1. School - The University of Utah is my home Monday Wednesday and Friday.
  2. Church - Sunday is the best day of the week
  3. Home - It's boring but I love to just be home with Joe and the kids
  4. The park - well not right now but as soon as all the snow is gone we might as well live there.

  1. Joe's body wash and cologne -
  2. Coffee - I need this everyday
  3. Baby lotion - reminds me of my babies and rubbing them down after a bath
  4. Banana bread - it makes my house smell great and reminds me of when I was little


  1. Bones - we are almost done watching all the seasons on Netflix
  2. Survivor - Is it bad that I look forward to this every week?
  3. The Amazing Race - I totally think Joe and I could win it haha
  4. Whichever movie is Cadences favorite at the moment. We cuddle up during nap time and watch a movie everyday.


  1. Biking instead of running. Just got a bike and I actually look forward to working out and don't feel like my body is going to fall apart afterwards
  2. Uncooked tortillas from Costco - one of the best finds ever, we use them all the time.
  3. Toms - best shoes ever. One for One.
  4. Netflix - They have so many movies and TV shows, it one of the best choices we have made and so worth the monthly fee

Thanks for tagging me Heather!

Now I am tagging Sam Baumann, Harmony Jensen, Jessica Christensen and Lauren Judkins.

Friday, April 1, 2011


I was chatting with one of my cheerleaders (Jane) on facebook and she sent me this message:

jess seriously i look up to you. when im having a bad day i just think about what you would tell me and to calm down and that it will be okay and i just love you. you have helped me every step of the way and your like my roll model. im so glad i got the chance to make great memories with you and im so excited to make more

Absolutely made my day. It made all the drama and other crap I have to deal with so worth it.

Love these girls <3

(This is last years picture)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Update.. (boring title I know)

I haven't updated this in a really long time and life has been so busy that I feel like I should have things to post but I really don't. I finally have some down time this week (Spring Break!!) and thought that it was a good time to give a small update.

School is going well, classes are easy and I really don't have tons of homework. I am assisting with cheer again this year and tryouts are next week. I really love working with those girls even though I was never really a cheerleader. I've missed them in the month that we haven't been doing it.

Joe is keeping busy with youth group stuff. He really has a heart for teenagers and is a perfect fit there. We went rock-climbing with them on Sunday which was tons of fun.

Braxton is doing great in school, his teacher said he is always improving and she just loves him. He loves sports and is really getting into March Madness. He is getting spring fever and can't wait for all the snow to melt so he can get a bike.

Cadence is doing great also. She is growing like crazy, I can't believe how big she is and that she will be 4 soon. She had to have 2 teeth pulled because of infection from cavities, but is recovered and if you are looking for a pediatric dentist you should definitely check out Burg Pediatric Dentistry. They have a few locations and are amazing. They made Cadence (and us) feel cared for and that we were in good hands.

Hopefully our lives will be less boring soon and I will have something to post about.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

2010 was such a great year for us! Here is a list of a few amazing things from the year:

We got married! (definitely the top of the list)
Honeymoon in Mexico.
I started school at the University of Utah.
Joe interning with the youth at church.
Braxton starting Kindergarten.
Lots of weddings attended.
Countless memories made with the kids.
Both of us coaching at the high school.
My first 4.0 in college.

I am looking forward to the new year and hope that everyone has an amazing year!

Christmas 2010

We had an awesome Christmas. I feel like December flew by, of course we ended up last minute shopping, I had most of the kids stuff already but just never had the time to shop til the semester was over. Braxton started to get really curious about Santa and asked me multiple times if he was real, I wasn't really prepared for this but one of the times he asked it Cadence said that he wasn't so we decided that if they were already curious and Cadence didn't believe that we would just tell them that he is just pretend. I thought it would be kind of sad to not have them believe but I feel better that they don't. I always felt like parents got the shaft when it came to Santa because he got all the credit for the cool stuff kids get but now my kids know that all the cool stuff actually comes from us. It also helped because we stayed at my parents house Christmas night and they already knew that Santa was pretend they weren't disappointed when the only presents that morning came from my parents. After our Christmas with my family we came back up to Park City to open presents with Joe's parents and have a nice Christmas dinner. Here are some pics of the kids opening their gifts from us.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas!