Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Just realized I never did a honeymoon post. I'll make it short and sweet.

It was an amazing week! It was exactly what we needed, relaxing with each other.
We found a condo on HomeAway.com that was a great price and we just hung out there most of the time. It was their rainy season so every morning when we got up it was raining but by afternoon it was beautiful so we would make the 15 minute walk to the beach and wander around and hang out at the beach. We found an awesome local restaurant that we ate at almost everyday. Before it started to get dark we would head back to the condo and chill. Our condo had a dipping pool which we took full advantage of. And our view was absolutely amazing. I can't wait to go back! Here are some pictures we took during the week.


Jess and Richard said...

those nachos look amazing! i want some! :D

Lauren + Joey said...

Ditto on the nachos! Yummy! Cute pictures!!